From issue: #20 The Graduate Issue 2023
Moment when you realised that this is adulthood is a studio series by Antollini Otic. Exploring the existential issues experienced by young adults when they realise they have matured, it suggests a further question, when does someone actually become fully grown? The series depicts six young women in a variety of apparently mundane tasks, from going to the supermarket to cooking and cleaning. In doing so it evokes dull but necessary adult responsibilities, such as becoming independent and finding a job; the only exception is an image in which the sitter is offered a birthday cake, a traditional moment for reflection. Moment when you realised that this is adulthood was shot in-studio, with each individual posed in front of a featureless, deliberately anonymous brown paper background. Otic’s work is often shot in the studio, in carefully controlled conditions in which the artist can create fantastical tableaux and lighting.

A Filipino artist based in Surrey and Hampshire, Antollini Otic recently graduated with a BA in Photography from the University of the Creative Arts in Farnham. Otic’s practice focuses on young adults and the LGBTQ+ community, and often begins with conversations with his subjects in which they identify shared issues and experiences. Otic works collaboratively, exchanging skills with other artists and sharing his knowledge of photography with those eager to learn.
Find out more about Antonelli Otic here.