Photoworks annual

We’re on the look out for new projects to feature in the next Photoworks Annual, Issue 22.

Open call for submission to Photoworks Annual 22 is now closed.

Issue 22 of Photoworks Annual explores the theme of women in photography.

We’re looking for new or previously unpublished photography projects exploring the role of women in photography, as subjects, objects, creators and consumers.

Selected projects will feature in the Annual and an original text will be commissioned to provide critical context for the projects.

The Editors welcome exceptional, fully resolved projects from UK and international artists at any stage of their career.

A number of shortlisted entries will also be selected and featured on our Showcase.

The deadline for completed applications is Friday, 15 May and shortlisting will take place in the week commencing Monday, 18 May. We hope to notify selected artists by Monday, May 25.