Women Photoworks Annual Issue 22
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Issue 22 of Photoworks Annual looks at women and their roles in photography, as subjects, creators and consumers. The new writing, new photography and powerful archival images presented in Issue 22, connect wider ideas surrounding the subject and share important recent shifts affecting women and photography today.
Photoworks Annual Issue 22: Women
Marsha Rowe co-founding editor of Spare Rib, looks back at the iconic title’s use of photography and on British feminism’s relationship with the camera. Each of five photography world luminaries: Anna Fox, Shoair Mavlian, Fiona Rogers, Michael Mack and Greg Hobson introduces us to the work of an emerging female photographer. Sara Knelman shares images from her extraordinary archive of ‘lady readers’. Max Houghton looks at women, wit and photography. We leaf through Italian feminist photobooks, including a selection from Martin Parr’s archive, with Federica Chiocchetti. Other contributors include No More Page 3 founder Lucy-Anne Holmes, Grafik Magazine’s Angharad Lewis, Harriet Riches and many more.