Theatres of the Real Joanna Lowry & David Green
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Theatres of the Real features work by Sarah Dobai, Annabel Elgar, Tom Hunter, Sarah Pickering, Nigel Shafran, Clare Strand, Mitra Tabrizian, Danny Treacy, and essays by Jan Baetens, David Green and Joanna Lowry.
Theatres of the Real presents photography from eight British based artists whose unconventional works extend and redefine a tradition of British documentary photography. Many of these photographs involve situations that have been staged for the cameras: sets have been constructed, actors dressed in costumes and narrative scenarios invented. Others work closer to the expectations of ‘straight’ photography: recording pre-existing scenes without direct intervention by the photographer. What unites them all is a sense of theatricality. Ranging from melodramatic reconstructions to small tales of everyday domestic life, these images portray the world as a stage set in which we play out our stories.
Published to accompany the exhibition Theatres of the Real, curated by Joanna Lowry and David Green for Fotomuseum Provincie Antwerpen.
Limited Edition of 1000.
Co-published with FotoMuseum Provincie Antwerpen
Designed by LOUP
Published in 2009
175mm x 235mm
112 pages
10 B&W, 45 colour plates