Visible Time David Claerbout
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Published in association with the University of Brighton, to accompany an exhibition at the Herbert Read Gallery, Kent Institute of Art & Design, Canterbury in 2004, this was David Claerbout’s first solo show in Britain. A highly respected video artist, Claerbout’s practice locates itself at a strange point where photography meets film, the still meets the moving image; an undecidability that calls both mediums into question. His large scale, exquisitely produced video installations are moving meditations on the poetics of the photographic trace, of history and remembrance.
The insightful theoretical essays by David Green (University of Brighton), Joanna Lowry (formerly of Kent Institute of Art & Design and now at University of Brighton) and Gregory Currie (University of Nottingham) help to elucidate this intelligent and visually stunning body of work by exploring some of the themes evoked, such as time, space, loss, temporality, memory, absence, presence.
Edited by David Green
Designed by LOUP
Published in 2004
210mm x 260mm
62 pages
3 B&W plates, 34 colour plates