Selected as a Photograd runner up in the recent call for entries on the theme of superstition, Harry Rose collects, investigates and explores Bigfoot sightings through the UK.
The culture and mythology of Bigfoot is something that has always interested me growing up, and now, as a grown man. How can people be so convinced? What real evidence is there?
It became more and more apparent that photography has a huge part to play in keeping the creature alive, from those who enjoy the idea of a large ape man in the wilderness to those who believe fully in the creature’s existence.

Looking for Bigfoot is broken up into several volumes. The first, In Search of the Grey King investigates Bigfoot sightings within the UK. From archival images from the British Bigfoot Research Society to my own photographs documenting the locations of encounters of Bigfoot, trying to understand those who believe in the creature, embedding myself within the culture and theories behind the creature’s existence.

The second part to this project called Bigfoot on the World Wide Web showcases some of the Internet’s best examples of Bigfoot sightings. The type of imagery that is unearthed has an aesthetic and visual dominance over how you put forward your Bigfoot evidence. There is a level of humor to be found here, from the hoaxers to those desperate to see something within an image only they can see.
See here for more of Harry’s Bigfoot project and see here for more on Photograd.
See here for more of our showcases.