© Ali Mohamed. Fahmida at Rohima, one of the South Asian clothing stores they used to go to as a kid to buy clothes for Eid. It is their first time trying on clothes from the men’s section in a Bengali clothing store. From the series Unseen, 2022

© Ali Mohamed. Fahmida standing in front of Dalston Superstore, a queer-led space that they started hanging out at when they realised how homogenously white, cisgendered and middle-class Soho is. They are wearing the outfit they just bought in the following picture. From the series Unseen, 2022

© Ali Mohamed. A poem Fahmida wrote to themself, for the viewers to read. It says: "Dear Fahmida, I love you. I love how you walk. How you’ve walked through it all. I love how you’ve stayed and how you left. How you never looked back. How you looked fear, and control in the face. I love how you kept Allah with you. In spite of others telling you to leave, telling you that Allah doesn’t care, nor love you. The Allah in me, in them, in all Loves you. You kept me alive. You kept us alive. You kept Allah alive. You never gave up. Your darkest moments gave shade and shelter. You’re light. You are. Your lightness, is Allah. Your darkness, is Allah. You are love. You are loved. Fahmida x From the series Unseen, 2022

© Ali Mohamed. Seny in his everyday attire, standing in the estate he grew up on in London. From the series Unseen, 2022

© Ali Mohamed. Seny standing in front of the Catholic school he used to go to growing up, despite coming from a Muslim family, wearing an Islamic thawb. From the series Unseen, 2022

© Ali Mohamed. Tasnim (name changed for anonymity) sitting on her prayer mat, wearing clothes that cover her hair and her full body, as required by Islamic prayer rules. From the series Unseen, 2022