Megan (22) is a Yorkshire-based photographer who re-tells the Wars of the Roses in her series by reflecting on themes still present in society. Set at Middleham Castle, Both Sides of the Rose gives visibility to the women of the 15th century and highlights the impact of societal division both in the past and today.

“As a young person from Preston, Lancashire, I’ve always been interested in my regional identity. As the country has become increasingly divided, I’ve found comfort in understanding the North of England’s heritage and its impact on the course of Britain’s history.”
“Both Sides of the Rose explores an often untold narrative of the Wars of the Roses, giving visibility to the women of the 15th century who were fighting the invisible fight against loneliness, lack of power and wealth inequality, whilst still having to support the armies travelling through their towns.”
“The conflict seen throughout England during the Wars of the Roses stemmed in part from socio-economic breakdowns and a clear lack of leadership. These causes aren’t far from the issues reverberating through our current society; people are becoming more politically polarized while the struggle for democracy and non-partisan leadership increases globally. Set at Middleham Castle in the Yorkshire Dales, a key site in the Wars of the Roses, this project looks to shed light on the North of England’s heritage in a way that is celebrated and reflects the diversity of our northern communities.”