Last week saw the launch of the second publication by the Brighton based organisation Miniclick.

This publication focuses on portraiture and brings together a collection of photographers and writers, only 200 copies all with hand stitched binding and letterpressed, mirrored covers, you can order yours online here:

The Miniclick Photography Talks are a series of monthly, free photography and film-making events based in Brighton. Founded by Jim Stephenson, under the curatorship of Jim Stephenson and Lou Miller, and now working with Jack Latham and Kristina Salgvik they have been running for two years and have become an important fixture on the Brighton photographic scene, with monthly events very well attended and special one-off events happening outside of Brighton, including a panel discussion at Somerset House during Sony’s 2012 World Photo London event.

Previous speakers include Ewen Spencer, Peter Dench, Aaron Schuman, Jooney Woodward, Jordi Ruiz Cirera, Clare Strand, Gordon MacDonald, Jonathan Worth, Jooney Woodward, Diane Smyth, Maja Daniels, Leo Maguire, Laura Pannack, Ben Roberts, Chris Floyd, Jason Larkin, Harry Hardie, Stuart Girffiths, Simon Roberts, Bruno Ceschel, Murray Ballard and Luca Sage. The talks also work regularly with Pecha Kucha, Hungry Eye Magazine, Portrait Salon and Photobookshow to put on special events.

To submit a project to the Showcase, please read and follow these guidelines carefully and then email us at