How can art reach more of us? Gabrielle de la Puente of @thewhitepube shares a call for Culture At Home in the shape of a postcard. Available to take home at the Summit, or to post to a friend through the Photoworks Shop.
Drawing on her experiences of Long Covid, chronic fatigue and being grounded at home, Gabrielle de la Puente asks, how can art reach more of us? How can we have culture at home?
“How many of us are stuck at home, witnessing other cultures develop in damp corners like terrible durational performances? I want art to share itself. I want art to send me a postcard.” – Gabrielle de la Puente
This postcard was commissioned as part of the Photoworks Summit 2024.
This postcard is available to post to an address of your choosing. Postage costs will be added at check out.