Time travel, coming of age, vintage games and youth culture all feature in this new issue of Photography+ Time.

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Time travel, coming of age, vintage games and youth culture all feature in this new issue of Photography+ Time.

Antony Cairns project Gordon Earl Adams – Eternal Time and Infinite Space explores one man’s pursuit of time travel.

While Kíra Krász’s portfolio documents her confinement during lockdown through the lens of the classic 1980s video game Tetris. Luo Yang’s ongoing series documents youth culture in contemporary China.

Writer-in-residence Tshepiso Mabula ka Ndongeni introduces us to the work of Johannesburg-based photographer Ngidi Thandolwemfundo. The work explores Thandolwemfundo’s journey into fatherhood, reflecting on how this specific change has made him the man and artist he is today.

We delve deeper into the work of Tarrah Krajnak as she uses photography and text to engage with her native Perú and her given indigenous identity while investigating socio-political events in Peru in the late 1970s.

We also explore the work of Shiraz Bayjoo and his project Searching for Libertalia, an exploration of the layered history of Madagascar.